At Coulter Swimming we aim to provide a unique learn to swim experience. Our use of floatation aids over many years has resulted in a program that allows all non-swimmers to enjoy lessons by being mobile in the water. At the same time, they learn water confidence and skills. As students progress through our levels, they will learn the fundamental skills required for all strokes.

Children learn to move independently in the water with and without floatation aids, whilst developing an arm motion and a natural kick. Children also learn to submerge their face and blow bubbles. Floatation aids are reduced as they become more competent.
– 4 students per class
– 30 minute lesson

This level is for children aged 8+ who are learning to swim for the first time. They increase their confidence in the water, develop their breath control, body position, Freestyle kick and Backstroke kick.
– 4 students per class
– 30 minute lesson

The emphasis in this level is on developing a horizontal position in the water by using front and back push and glides. Freestyle and Backstroke kick is developed and they are introduced to rotation of freestyle arms.
– 4 students per class
– 30 minute lesson

Rotation of the arms is further developed to incorporate side breathing for Freestyle. Beginner Backstroke is introduced.
– 4 students per class
– 30 minute lesson

Progressions involve development of bilateral breathing in Freestyle and rotation of body position in Backstroke. Children are introduced to dolphin kick.
– 5 students per class
– 30 minute lesson

Continual development of Freestyle and Backstroke occurs. Breaststroke leg and arm action are developed separately. Introduction of a forward roll and a standing dive.
– 5 students per class
– 30 minute lesson

Students work towards swimming 50m Freestyle and Backstroke. Timing of Breaststroke is taught with emphasis on a streamlined glide. Development of Butterfly occurs by using fins to attain a distance of 25m.
– 8 students per class
– 30 minute lesson